Kindergarten Primary School
Kindergarten Primary School

Staff Development Policy

Concordia International School Ningbo Staff Development Policy


The purpose of this Staff Development Policy is to establish a culture of continuous professional learning and improvement at Concordia International School Ningbo, supporting the professional growth of our staff in alignment with the values and pedagogical approaches of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). This policy outlines our commitment to providing ongoing professional development opportunities that enhance the skills, knowledge, and effectiveness of our staff, thereby enriching the learning experiences of our students.


This policy applies to all teaching and non-teaching staff at Concordia International School Ningbo, including full-time, part-time, and temporary employees.


Our approach to staff development is guided by the following principles:

- Lifelong Learning: We are committed to fostering a culture of lifelong learning where all staff are encouraged to engage in continuous professional and personal growth.

- Relevance and Impact: Professional development activities are relevant to the needs of the staff, the school, and our students, and have a clear impact on teaching practices and student learning.

- Collaboration and Sharing: We value collaborative learning and the sharing of best practices within and beyond our school community, promoting a culture of reflective practice and peer support.

- Alignment with IB Philosophy: Professional development is aligned with the IB philosophy and PYP framework, ensuring our staff are well-equipped to deliver an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum.

Professional Development Opportunities

- IB Training Workshops: Participation in IB-authorized workshops and training sessions to deepen understanding of the PYP framework and enhance curriculum delivery.

- In-House Training Sessions: Regularly scheduled professional development sessions and workshops focusing on pedagogical strategies, curriculum development, assessment practices, and the integration of technology in education.

- External Conferences and Seminars: Support for attendance at relevant educational conferences and seminars that contribute to professional knowledge and school improvement.

- Higher Education and Certification: Encouragement and support for staff pursuing further education, certifications, or advanced degrees related to their professional roles.

- Peer Observation and Mentoring: Structured peer observation and mentoring programs to facilitate the sharing of expertise and promote reflective practice.

Roles and Responsibilities

- School Leadership: Ensures the provision of resources and time for professional development, aligns staff development with school goals, and monitors the impact of professional development on teaching and learning.

- PYP Coordinator: Coordinates IB-related professional development, supports the implementation of the PYP, and fosters a collaborative learning environment among staff.

- Staff Members: Take an active role in their own professional development, identifying personal learning goals, participating in offered opportunities, and applying new learning to their practice.

Planning and Evaluation

- Individual Development Plans: Staff members, in collaboration with their supervisors, set annual professional development goals aligned with school objectives and personal growth interests.

- Evaluation of Professional Development: The effectiveness of professional development activities is regularly evaluated based on their impact on teaching practices and student learning outcomes.

Review and Development

This policy is reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant, effective, and responsive to the evolving needs of our staff and school community. Feedback from staff is actively sought and considered in the review process.


This policy is communicated to all staff members through the school's intranet, staff meetings, and induction programs for new employees, ensuring everyone understands their entitlements and responsibilities regarding professional development.

All policies need to be collaboratively developed, well-documented, communicated to all stakeholders, and regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the school community or IB standards. It's also important to keep these policies aligned with local educational regulations and cultural expectations in Ningbo. 

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Concordia International School Ningbo serves students from age 3 to age 18 and provides a rigorous, globally focused education that fosters inquiry, knowledge empathy, and nurtures a lifelong love of learning.