Kindergarten Primary School
Kindergarten Primary School

Concordia's Musical Journey: An Inquiry into Famous Musicians

21 Jun 2024

At Concordia, our students in Grades 1 and 2 recently embarked on an exciting musical journey, exploring the geographical locations around the globe that famous musicians have called home. This inquiry-based project focused on the lives and legacies of two iconic composers: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Sebastian Bach.

01 Exploring the Lives 

of Mozart and Bach

Through this project, students were encouraged to dive deep into the fascinating histories of Mozart and Bach. They researched the composers' backgrounds, their contributions to music, and the cultural contexts in which they lived. The students embraced the concept of "putting themselves in the musicians' shoes" quite literally by deciding to create a collaborative video presentation, complete with costumes.

02 A Collaborative 

Inquiry Process

The process began with brainstorming and gathering information. Our young inquirers used a variety of resources, including the school library and online articles, to collect facts about Mozart and Bach. They worked together to synthesize this information, demonstrating exceptional teamwork and dedication.

03 Bringing 

History to Life

Under the guidance of Miss Karyna, the students paid meticulous attention to detail in recreating historically accurate costumes. They dressed up as the famous musicians, embodying the characters to teach their peers about the composers' lives and works. This hands-on approach not only made the learning experience more engaging but also allowed the students to connect more deeply with the material.

04 Celebrating Inquiry 

and Learning

This project exemplified the PYP's emphasis on inquiry-based learning, encouraging students to explore and understand the world around them through multiple perspectives. By integrating music, history, and geography, the students at Concordia developed a well-rounded understanding of these famous musicians and their impact on the world.



We are incredibly proud of our Grade 1 and Grade 2 students for their hard work and dedication. Their journey through the lives of Mozart and Bach is a testament to the power of collaborative learning and the joy of discovery.

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Concordia International School Ningbo serves students from age 3 to age 18 and provides a rigorous, globally focused education that fosters inquiry, knowledge empathy, and nurtures a lifelong love of learning.